Year: 2010

  • Services pages

    I’ve just added a few new features to this site. I’ve update the bio page, as well as added pages detailing the services I provide. They are somewhat vague for the moment, but there should be enough information for people to get a good idea of things I offer. Also, the contacts page now has…

  • KCL Blockage

    For some reason or another, it seems like this website doesn’t load at the King’s College London campus or residence halls. I’m working on getting this issue resolved, but I haven’t exactly pinpointed the issue. The server could somehow be blocking the UK or the network here is blocking this and several other sites that…

  • Status Update – 2010/11/24

    Work on the humanoid project is underway. I’ve been reading up on some of the theory, as well as using SolidWorks to draw up an experiment my supervisor developed. We’re going to have a meeting this Friday with someone from the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), so that should be good. Incidentally, I remember a…